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How to Reduce Water Pressure in Your Home
How to Reduce Water Pressure in Your Home
High water pressure in a home can cause significant damage to the plumbing system, including leaks in pipes, worn-out faucets, increased water bills, potential flooding, and a shorter lifespan for appliances due to the added strain on the system.
Common Problems Caused by High Water Pressure
1. Pipe Damage
Too much pressure can cause your pipes to burst, especially if they’re already a bit worn out. This can lead to leaks and even flooding.
2. Leaking Faucets
Increased pressure can force the seals in your faucets to loosen, causing them to drip or leak.
3. Water Hammer
Sudden changes in water flow due to high pressure can cause a "water hammer," which is a banging noise in your pipes that may lead to pipe bursts.
4. Higher Water Bills
With high pressure, your faucets and fixtures will flow more water than necessary, which can significantly increase your water bill.
Installing a Pressure Regulating Valve (PRV)
Installing a pressure regulating valve (PRV) can solve these problems. A water pressure regulator helps control and stabilize the pressure, preventing the issues associated with excessive pressure.
How to Install a Pressure Regulator Valve
Install the pressure regulator valve on the main water line where it enters your home. This is usually near the water meter or where the pipe transitions from the municipal supply to your home's plumbing system.
Tip: Always remember to check the water flow direction when installing a PRV. Improper installation will not reduce pressure. It is also important to choose a good quality, certified valve.
Certified Pressure Protection Valves
The pressure protection valve Z-LV-FPV-0104 comes with the Australian WaterMark certification, ensuring it meets the standards for quality and safety.
What is the Australian WaterMark?
The Australian WaterMark is a certification mark that indicates a product has been tested and complies with Australian standards for plumbing and drainage products. It’s managed by the WaterMark Certification Scheme, which is administered by Standards Australia and supported by the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB).
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